Friday, October 21, 2011

kangaroo slugs

i have been working on some costumes for an event michael (another brother from the same mother) and i got into. we came up with a game - a relay race - people can play. 2 teams race against each other, and there are 3 people to a team. each teammate wears a costume that inhibits a certain body part: legs, hands, or head/sight. the legs and the hand people run and collect all the giant puzzle pieces and bring them back to the head person. the head person has to put the puzzle together based on the direction/instruction from the other 2 teammates.

here's the sketch for the leg-blocker costume.
it's essentially a glorified potato sack. they are called kangaroo slugs are inside of their pouch, but they have no they're slugs...obviously. here's how they turned out:
this was my attempt at the awkward kid smile.

here's the sketch for the hand-blocker costume:
these are 5 foot long sleeves made of duck-tape that are covered in balloons. the costume is done, but i haven't taken a picture yet though.

and finally, the sight-blocker:
the helmet is covered in buttons i've collected over the years. and yes, this costume does come with a cape. no picture of this yet either. sorry.

it's always an interesting challenge to design for a wide range of body types when making costumes. and this event has an extra challenge of having to design two almost identical sets.

 but it should be a lot of fun, and you should come out to play.

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